By Charles kulwa n reg
no 42688
Social media and the
evolution of corporate communication
The social media
revolution has had a resounding impact on the public relation industry, it
offers new opportunities and new requirement for successful public relation
practices. The pressing need for social media expertise in public relation has
led to the creation of new careers, and practioners must be aware of how social
media marketing can be used for corporate communications. Social media
marketing is an extremely effective tool for the public relations industry, as
it offers new channels for the necessary communication between an organization
and its publics, and new opportunities for this channel to be meaningful and
mutually beneficial
As public relations
have most widely adopted social media marketing techniques, the aspects of the
traditional RACE formula have evolved. While the basic principle are the same,
social media tools offer practitioners new ways to implement the traditional
elements of public relation practices, research is crucial stage in the
development of public relations campaign or program, and social media offers new opportunities for
research to be conducted. survey distribution and reception can be greatly
aided through the use of social media, and as an alternative to traditional
research methods like focus group testing, public relations practitioners have
the opportunity to witness the conversations stakeholder are already having and
implement the findings into campaigns
Public relation
campaigns in the social media age have to adapt and become much flexible. The
perceptions of stakeholder must constantly be taken into account in the
development of campaigns, and if perceptions change during the process, the
campaign needs to be altered to accommodate those changes. The actual
communication of a public relations campaign or program has a myriad of options
for distribution. Public relations are no longer about inundating news rooms
with news release and media alerts. While traditional media still matters,
practitioners need to know how to design their message for new audiences.
Social media offers
opportunities for interactive news release that can be pitched on the web, to
bloggers, rather than journalist. Evaluation has changed as well, with social
media tools offering new opportunities for measuring the effectiveness
communications. The success of a public
relations campaign or program is no longer measured solely by the weight of
newspapers clippings it achieved, but by the number of blog posts,
conversation, comments, re-tweets, bookmarks, etc. that it garnered online
Social media marketing
is a powerful tool that lends itself very well to the adoption of hurt and Grunigs
ideal model of public relations- two ways symmetrical. Public relations
practices based on one way output or manipulation of the truth cannot survive
in the social media age. Public relations has changed, and is changing still, emphasizing
practices that are more aligned with the ideals of the industry. Simply put,
public relations revolve around the public. If social media is utilized to full
potential for corporate communication, the industry has an opportunity to
strive for its ideal, and through transparent, honest practice, implement
successful campaigns and reverse negative stereotype
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