Wednesday, July 6, 2016


Research refer to the systematic ,investigative process employed to increase or revise current knowledge by discovering new facts .Research is divided into general  categories these are basic research which normally inquiry aimed at increasing scientific knowledge and applied research its effort aimed at using basic research for solving problems or discovering new processes, products or techniques. The following below are importance of research in the practice of international public relations
Research enables management to formulate policies that are acceptable and familiar with a certain environment or depending on the nation culture, research produces suggestions that can lead to the  better products, services and relationship also can define and make the management aware of existing and potential problems also can helpful in determining objectives and strategies of a public relations program.
Research provides emphasis on the listening of the two way street concept and thus satisfies the desires of the people to express their views over the management. As public relations public relations function itself, research provides a means of evaluating the effectives of outbound communication by determining its impact on the public opinion and finally by providing such tangible evidence research can do much to earn support from both management and the public for the counseling services itself.
Research has been a good link of determining the public’s basic attitudes especially in the practice of international public relations research influences groups’ opinions and an organization must understand the background and make up of its audience or public to feel respected for example the management of the large department store about to enter a rural community must rise to first asses how residents feel about large stores in general, after knowing their feelings it can attempt to win public support.
Research helps in determining the opposition strength and weaknesses in every area there must be competition for the better success so in order to win your competitors you must have a knowledge and understand over them and the better way of knowing them is through research for example before a political candidate spends time or money on squelching the oppositions view, research should be applied to determine just how potential the issues is in the minds of the electorates.
Research also helps in positioning public relations efforts within frame work. By tying such research to business goals communications, programs can be more specifically structures to complement a firm’s line objectives for example any business organization or nonprofit organization must have a certain goals and in order to accomplish them as a public relation manager, you must have the knowledge about your public’s culture their way of life especially when your practicing internationally you have to conduct a research so that you can be familiar with different countries’ cultures that can lead to accomplish your organization goals without any biasness.
Research helps in clarifying issues, attitudes are often fuzzy people may say they like something without being specific about the particular characteristics they admire. Research probes deeper to determine what specifically about an issue or product appeals to someone also research helps or assuring you what to do without guessing that these society may be preferring this but research gives you the realities about what to do over a certain society for example an introduction of a company which is dealing with producing  Islamic dressings in Iran or Iraq means you are sure with the market and no one will be biased compare with opening  a shop which dealing with selling bibles in the same countries I mentioned above.
Research is the key to the design and execution of a successfully public relations program in the final instance, information and data must be gathered and fact compiled. It also necessary to have knowledge of target audience, a public practitioner who understand his or her audiences their attitudes, hopes and fear will be better able to formulate messages that appeal specifically to them
Research helps to understand the level of economy of countries means that understanding the economic situation over countries will help you to set a better price which is propositional with their income level for example many companies from chine work or produce products and set price according to the country’s abilities economically the phone which they have been exported to Tanzania are different with those are going to England and this is because the level of income of Tanzanian compare to English people.
Finally research is a vital role in the practice of international public relations because it helps more many organization and companies to achieve their goals after conducting research and discovering the need and the culture of every society or every nation without research many companies and organization would fail but because of research has reached their target so research is important in the practice of International public relations.

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